Ovonic 5000 2s Lipo Battery Pack Review

Ovonic 5000mah 2s for RC Car Reviews

This is the new OVONIC 7.4V 5000mAh 50C 2S LiPo battery pack from Ampow. The battery features a hard case design with a 12-gauge pre-wired Deans (T-style) connector and JST-XH balance charge connector. It is rated with a 50C discharge and 100C max burst discharge rate. The battery is a standard “stick pack” with dimensions of 137mm x 45mm x 24mm and weighs in at 302 grams.

This OVONIC pack is ideal 1/10-scale off-road vehicles which use a full-length battery pack (such as short course trucks, monster trucks, and rock crawlers). 

This 2s lipo battery with 5000mah provided ample run-time in our Traxxas 2wd Slash with a modified motor, and remains well balanced and consistent charge after charge.

Specifications (provided by Ampow):

  • Brand: Ovonic 
  • Chemistry: Li-polymer
  • Cells Number: 2S
  • Voltage(V): 7.4V 
  • Capacity(mAh): 5000mAh 
  • Discharge: 50C 
  • Max Burst Discharge Rate ©: 100C 
  • Charge Plug: JST-XH
  • Discharge Plug: Deans Plug
  • Battery Weight(dev.20g): 302g 
  • Battery Dimension: 137x45x24mm 
  • Wire Gauge: AWG12# 
  • Wire Length(mm): 115mm


  • Very reasonably priced at only $24.99.
  • Plug and play with pre-wired connectors.
  • Clear shrink-wrapped hard case design.
  • Fits most 1/10-scale short course trucks, monster trucks, and rock crawlers.


  • Balance plug has bulky protection clip that can make placement in the car difficult without removing it.

Final Word:

While this is not our first pick for serious competition, this battery pack works great for someone who is looking to go backyard bashing, upgrade from a NiMh battery pack, and/or looking for a budget friendly LiPo battery pack.

How to Choose Lipo Battery for Quadcopter?

Lithium polymer batteries, more commonly known as LiPo, have high energy density, high discharge rate and light weight which make them a great candidate or RC applications.

By learning the basics about LiPo batteries, you will be able to read and understand their specifications.


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Battery Voltage and Cell Count (S)

LiPo batteries used in RC are made up of individual cells connected in series . Each cell has a nominal voltage of 3.7V . Therefore battery voltage is often referred to as how many cells in the battery (aka “S”).

1S = 1 cell = 3.7V
2S = 2 cells = 7.4V
3S = 3 cells = 11.1V
4S = 4 cells = 14.8V
5S = 5 cells = 18.5V
6S = 6 cells = 22.2V

For example, we call a 14.8V battery a “4-cell” or “4S” battery.

Voltage affects brushless motors RPM directly, therefore you could use higher cell count batteries to increase your quadcopter’s speed if your motor/ESC and other electroincs support higher voltage.

But a battery with more cells of the same capacity is heavier since it contains more cells. To make a 4S 1000mah battery, you could simply combine two 2S 1000mah, or one 3S 1000mah with an 1S 1000mah.

Nominal voltage for LiPo battery cell is 3.7V. However it’s not the voltage of the battery either when it’s fully charged or fully discharged. The number is come up by manufacturers, and It’s near the middle of safe voltage range, so I guess that kind of makes sense.

LiPo battery is designed to operate within a safe voltage range, from 3V to 4.2V . Discharging below 3V could cause irreversible performance lost and even damage to the battery. Over-charging above 4.2V could be dangerous and eventually cause fire.

However it’s advisable to stop discharging when it reaches 3.5V for battery health reasons. For example for a 3S Lipo, the max voltage is 12.6V, and you should land when the voltage reaches 10.5V (at 3.5V per cell).

LiPo Battery Capacity and Size

The capacity of a LiPo battery is measured in mAh (milli-amp hours). “ mAh ” is basically an indication of how much current you can draw from the battery for an hour until it’s empty.

For example, for a 1300 mAh Lipo, it would take an hour to be completely discharged if you draw a constant 1.3A current from it. If the current draw doubles at 2.6A, the duration would be halved (1.3/2.6=0.5). If you draw 39A of current non-stop, this pack would only last 2 minutes (1.3/39=1/30 of an hour).

Increasing your battery capacity might give you longer flight time, but it will also get heavier in weight and larger in physical size. There is a trade-off between capacity and weight, that affects flight time and agility of the aircraft.

Higher capacity could also give you higher discharge current as you will see in the next section.

Note that, 1000mAh = 1Ah.

C Rating (Discharge Rate)

Lipo batteries for quadcopters these days all come with a C rating. By knowing the C rating and capacity of a battery, we can in theory calculate the safe, continuous max discharge current of a LiPo battery.

Maximum Discharge Current = C-Rating * Capacity

For example an 1300mAh 50C battery has an estimated continuous max discharge current of 65A.

Some batteries come with two C-ratings: “continuous” and “burst” ratings. The Burst rating is only applicable in short period of time (e.g. 10 seconds).

Although C rating could be an useful tool, it has become mostly a marketing tools nowadays.

If C rating is too low, the battery will have a hard time delivering the current to your motors, and your quad will be under powered. You could even damage the battery if current draw exceeds safety rating.

When C rating is higher than what’s required, you won’t gain much performance improvement. Instead the battery would be heavier and you will be carrying extra weight that reduces your flight time.

Discharge Lead (Main Connector)

Rule of thumb, the battery connector should match the one you are using on your copter. If you don’t own a quad yet, choose one, and stick with it.

All Lipo batteries come with 2 sets of wires/connectors: a balance lead and a main lead or discharge lead(Except for 1S batteries which only have a main lead). There are quite a few different connectors used in LiPo batteries. The main differences are shape, weight and current rating.

1S Battery Connectors

Pico blade  

1S connectors are tiny and have very low current rating. They are commonly used in brushed micro quadcopters.

2S-6S Battery Connectors

You will find a lot more different types of battery connectors in this category, in fact not all are listed here. But majority of them are not used that often so you don’t need to ever worry about them. For mini quad, the most popular connector is probably the XT60. for smaller one, usually use the xt30.

JST   Mainly 2S
XT30   Mainly 2S and 3S
XT60 Similar to the Above, only bigger Mainly 3S, 4S
XT90 Similar to the Above but even bigger  
EC5 Similar to the Above but bigger  
Deans (T)  

However since XT60 is only rated at 60A, and mini quad are running at higher and higher current and voltage, we might soon see a change in the popular connector used. such as xt90, EC5 etc.

Balance Lead

Balance lead is mainly used for balance charge to ensure all cell voltages are equal. It also allows you to monitor the voltage of each cell.

The number of wires in a balance lead starts at 3 for 2S LiPo, and for every increment in cell count, the number of wires also go up by 1.

Internal Resistance (IR)

Internal resistance exists in every battery cell, and IR could be different in each cell of the same LiPo battery. Higher internal resistance reduces the max current the LiPo pack can produce, that why as a LiPo battery gets older or overly used, you will find it losing the punch, or power.

IR isn’t shown on the label, because they can change over time. Lipo internal resistance increases with:

  • time/age
  • crashes (physical damage)
  • over-discharging
  • over-heating
  • other abusing usage

You can measure IR with dedicated tools, some LiPo charger even comes with IR measuring features.


LiHV is a different type of LiPo battery, HV stands for “high voltage”. They are more energy dense than traditional LiPo battery, and allow to be charged up to 4.35V per cell. However there are mix reviews out there regarding the longevity of LiHV, as they might have decrease in performance sooner than normal LiPo’s.

How to choose LiPo battery for quadcopters?

To choose the best Lipo battery for your quad, you first need to know your requirement, the preferred cell count, and what would be the max discharge current.

Find Out How Much Current Your Drone Can Draw

Once you have decided on your choice of motors and propellers size, you should be able to find data online related to that requirement. For example, I am going to use this motor with 5040×3 props, at 100% throttle it draws 36.7A.

The total max current draw for a quad of 4 motors would be 36.7 x 4 = 146.8A at 100% throttle. If you want to play safe, you could just use this figure and find the battery you want. But for me, I usually discount it by 10% and that’s 146.8*0.9 = 132.1A because of the considerations we mentioned.

How Accurate Are Static Thrust Tests?

Remember that in real flights, the current draw is normally smaller than that from “static thrust tests” because of the moving air.

And notice that the current is significantly different between 90% throttle and 100%, and you should ask yourself how often you would fly at 100% throttle and does this matter to you.

Personally I fly mostly at 40%-80% throttle range, even when I do wide open throttle punchout’s they wouldn’t last more than a few seconds.

Current Draw of Other Components

There are other parts that uses power from the battery too, such as your FC, RX, LED, FPV gears etc. But it is very little compared to the powerful motors so we can usually just ignore them from our calculation. Or add 1A to 2A to the total current draw if you want to be a bit more precise.

Choosing the Optimal Battery Capacity for your Drone

Now you need to work out the battery capacity for the particular size of your quadcopter, and C rating required. Here is some general guideline I personally follow by the propeller sizes:

6 inch: 1500mah — 2200mah
5 inch: 1300mah — 1800mah
4 inch: 850mah — 130mmah
3 inch: 650mah -1000mah

Say if I was building a 5″ mini quad, and I want a relatively lighter build, I would go for 1300mAh (1.3Ah).

From there, I can calculate the burst C rating requirement using this formula:

Burst C Rating = Max Current Draw / Capacity

In our example, 132.1A / 1.3Ah ~ 102 C . Based on the specification of most LiPo battery manufacturer, the thecontinuous C Rating is normally half of the burst C rating , and that would be 102/2 = 51C .

Flying Style Affects Your Choice of Battery

However you might want even higher C rating than that if you plan to fly constantly in higher throttle than 50%.

That’s right, you have to take into account what kind of flying you plan to do, and whether weight or capacity is more important to you. Hard core racers will want the lightest possible batteries that are just enough to finish the racing course. But for “freestylers”, weight isn’t the only priority and larger batteries can be considered for longer flight time.

What Brand Should I Choose?

Avoid “no-name” batteries and stick with one of the known brands. Also avoid new brands and wait until it’s proven to have consistent quality. Some new brands make really good first/second batches, until they receive all the great reviews and everyone rushing to buy them, they begin to lower the quality and maximize profit.

Acehe, Tattu, Turnigy, Dinogy, Infinity and so on are some of the best brands out there. (sorry if I miss your brand please remind me know in the comment). Findlipo battery for UAV drone. And lipo battery for FPV.

How to Charge LiPo
Type of charging
  • Balance charge – The charger monitors the voltage of each cell, and can charge them individually while trying to keep them at the same voltage level. This is the safest and most recommended way of LiPo battery charging
  • Direct charge (fast charge) – You are charging through only the main lead, and the charger isn’t monitoring the voltage of each cell. This is normally faster, but it could result in unbalanced cell voltages and the battery might not be 100% charged
  • Storage charge – The charger brings each cell of the battery to their storage voltage, which is 3.80-3.85V
  • Discharge – The charger attempts to drain the Lipo battery (very slowly, even slower than charging)
Why Balance Charge?

Every cell in a battery is slightly different, after the battery is discharged, you might find that the cell voltages are all different.

If we were to direct charge this unbalanced battery without monitoring voltage of each cell, chances are some cells might end up under 4.2V (not fully charged), and what would be worse, some might go OVER 4.2V . If you remember, LiPo cells shouldn’t exceed 4.2V or they will become dangerous. Remember, over-charged = dangerous!

Most decent modern Lipo chargers are programmable and allow balance charging, and they should take care of this automatically.

Safety Rules

Incorrect handle of LiPo batteries could potentially cause fire. Please take your time to read through these safety rules before handling/charging batteries.

  • Pick up LiPo by their body, not the leads – wires could be pulled off from the fragile solder joints
  • Charge at safe places – It’s very important to find a fire-proof location to charge your batteries. Using a Lipo-safe bag is a good option, some even build a bunker for it.
  • Don’t charge your battery immediately after using it, wait until it’s completely cool down
  • It’s advisable to charge your battery at 1C or less (this is explained in the article “How to choose LiPo charger” by Oscar Liang
  • Never charge your battery unattended – regularly check if the battery is getting warm or starts to swell, if so stop charging immediately
  • Never use or charge a damaged battery – don’t charge if it is swollen (puffy) or has any other visible signs of damage
  • Ensure the number of cells and battery type are set correctly on your charger to match the cell count in your battery
  • Don’t over-charge, although this is normally taken care of by the charger, it would be a good idea to check cell voltages regularly
  • Don’t leave battery under the sun
Parallel charging

Parallel charging might not be the safest way of charging LiPo batteries, but it is probably one of the fastest for RC hobbyists. It allows you to charge multiple packs at once rather by one by one. However you do so at your own risk.

Charging 1S LiPo batteries

Charging tiny 1S batteries can be slightly different than doing the bigger packs. You can perhaps charge multiple 1S batteries using a parallel board (basically just combining them as one big 1S battery). But so far I found the best and fastest solution for me was to build a cable that connects multiple 1S batteries in series, and charge them as one single 3S or 4S, or even 6S pack. (Basically I am doing series charging rather than parallel charging).

How to choose lipo battery for drone

In order to get the best flight time and performance it important to know how to go about choosing the best Lipo battery. If you don’t know what a LiPo battery is then its best to check our our Lipo battery guide to learn some of the key concepts and what the numbers mean as I will make use of them in this tutorial.

Like most components on a drone, they are related to other components, and the battery is no exception. The correct battery mainly depends on the size of your drone, and the type and number of motors you use. In this guide we will discuss how to ensure your battery will work properly with your drone system before you buy it.

Knowing what size battery you need

To get the longest flight times you should use the largest battery (in terms of capacity) that you possibly can, but still keep within the maximum takeoff weight of your drone. For more details on finding out what your maximum takeoff weight is for your drone have a look at our guide on how to choose motors, propellers and ESC for your drone. The other thing to take into account is the physical size of the battery, as depending on what drone you are using you will only need be able to fit a battery of a certain size.

Battery Discharge Rate and Capacity

Probably the most important, but often overlooked factor to is the check the battery discharge C rating is the optimum for your drone. Using a discharge rate (C rating) that is too low, can result in your battery being damaged, and your drone under-performing the battery cant release current fast enough to power your motors properly. Since higher C rating batteries are heavier, if the battery you are using has a C rating that is too high, you will just be carrying extra weight around that you dont need, ultimately reducing the flight time.

How to calculate the maximum continuous current output for your battery

In order to know what the total current draw of your drone system is, we cab calculated it based on this simple formula:

<code style="font-family: Consolas, Menlo, Monaco, 'Lucida Console', 'Liberation Mono', 'DejaVu Sans Mono', 'Bitstream Vera Sans Mono', 'Courier New', monospace; font-size: 1em; overflow: auto; tab-size: 4; overflow-wrap: normal; display: block; padding: 5px 10px; color: #333333; background: #f8f8f8; max-height: 500px;">Max continous Amp draw (A) = Battery capacity (Ah) x Discharge rate © </code>

For a example, we have a 5100mAh 3 cell Lipo battery with a 10C rating. To find the maximum continuous amp draw, we first convert the 5100mAh to 5.1Ah, and multiply that number by 10C, to give a total continuous output of 

(5.1 x 10) = 51A

How to find the optimum C rating
As choosing the battery is often the last step to building your own drone, we will already know what motors and ESC we are using. Since the motors will draw the most amount of energy from your battery we can base our calculation around this.

By looking at the specs of your motors, in particular the thrust data tables you will be able to see what the motors maximum current draw is. As an example, our quadcopter (4 motors) weighs about 2Kg in total (with battery and all other equipment), the quadcopter will hover when each motor products about 500g of thrust. Since we are using the MT2213 motors 1.4k with 10 inch propellers we can look at the thrust table to see the motors current draw at maximum thrust, which turns out to be just under 10A.

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 MT2213 Motor 1.4k Thrust table for a 3S Lipo battery


Since we are using 4 motors, the total current draw will be about 

4 x 10A = 40A
 Other equipment such as your autopilot and FPV gear will all draw a few miliAmps so their effect can be considered negligible, but to be safe lets add another 1A to the total current draw to round it to 41A. So this will be our maximum current draw during hover. So the 5100mah 10C battery we mentioned previously would work just fine since its current output is 51A, however we could get away with using a lower C rating closer to perhaps 8C to have an even lighter battery. However it is uncommon to find batteries with C ratings lower than 10C.

In order to get the most flight time, we could get a battery with a current output of just over 25A. However in reality we will often fly at higher throttle values during a climb, or if there is a strong wind so at various stages in the flight our current draw might be higher than this, which could damage the battery.

The battery C rating depends on the capacity
There is no fixed C rating that you will need to use as the maximum current output of a battery depends on the capacity and C rating. Typically the smaller the capacity of a battery, the higher the C rating needs to be, this is why for many high capacity multi-rotor batteries you will find very low C ratings in the range of 10-15C.

How much capacity do I need?
Now that you know the required current draw from your battery, the capacity and C rating can be found. In general its best to get teh highest possible capacity battery that you can, which still keeping the total weight of your quadcopter including the battery and other equipment at aroung 50-70% of the maximum motor thrust.

So sticking to our quadcopter example, we know that 50% thrust is around 500g per motor (or 2Kg thrust in total). Our frame, electronics and motors weight come to 1.2Kg. That leaves 800-1000g that we can use for the battery. So you should try to find the highest capacity LiPo that you can find that weights less than this.

Battery Voltage (cell count)

The battery voltage, or cell count is another important decision that you will need to make. Higher voltage batteries allow your motors to produce more power, however the higher voltage batteries are heavier since they contain more cells.

There is no golden rule to follow when it comes to battery voltage, but the way you can find the best voltage for your drone is to look through your motor thrust data tables and compare the efficiency. You will find that motors are generally more efficient and powerful when using higher cell count lipos (higher voltage), but some of the efficiency bonus is negated by the increase in weight and cost of the battery. So depending on how many motors you are using you will need to choose what is best for your current setup.

One thing to bear in mind is to also make sure that your motors/ESC and other electronics are able to support the voltage of your battery. Some motors will only support a specific cell count lipo, or a specific range of voltages which might make the decision easier.

Battery Connectors

Soldering battery connectors can be a real pain, so it is a good idea to try find a battery connector that you like, and stick to it. That allows you to swap batteries easily, and if you decide to build another drone in the future you can use the same batteries. Common connectors include Deans/Tplug, XT60, and also EC3 connectors. For more information on battery connectors and wires check out our connector guide.

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Number of batteries

The number of batteries you decide to use on your drone does not ultimately make much difference as there are pros and cons of using more batteries. Firstly using more batteries has an added layer of safety as if one battery should fail, you still have another that you can use to quickly land. Also if you have the flexibility of replacing one battery if one of them gets older than the other. Charging time can be reduced if you have two chargers as each one can charge at the same time. However using two batteries can be more complex to mount and wire and buying two batteries can sometimes be more expensive than buying one. So ultimately using one or more batteries comes down to the drone your are using and your own preference. highly recommend tattu UAV drone lipo battery for all of you guys.

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What is the best battery brand?

I am sure that everyone will agree that a battery plays a very important role in your drone system, so here are a few brands that stand out in terms of quality and performance its silly to safe a few pounds :moneybag: only for your entire drone to crash due to a failed battery. With batteries is is usualy true that you get what you pay for. Some cheaper batteries that may be the same on paper in terms of specifications dont always last as long and the performance starts to drop after several charge/discharge cycles, whereas other top brand batteries take much longer to start showing signs of aging. Also some cheaper batteries experience large voltage drops as the capacity gets low which further reduce flight times. But then again you can argue that a cheaper battery might not last as long, but you can replace it more often since its cheaper. Either way here are a few of our suggested battery brands based on experience.

GensAce and TATTU batteries
GensAce batteries are one of the top LiPo battery manufacturers around in terms of performance and quality in general. However if you are are after some professional level batteries I can highly recommend the GensAce TATTU series of Lipos. All TATTU batteries have passed the UN 38.3 battery test which is the highest quality standard test for lithium polymer batteries, something that most other manufacturers don’t test. These batteries are abit more expensive that other brands, but they are worth paying abit more for, especially if you are carrying expensive equipment on your drone.


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Turnigy (hobbyking) are very popular because they offer great performance for very low prices. I have used many of these batteries and they do work well. However these batteries dont seem to hold out as well as gens-ace in terms of charging/discharging cycle life, and voltage drop. But still these batteries are great value for money but better suited for cheaper hobby / beginner drone builds.

Do you have any battery brands that you like to use? Let me know so I can add it to the list.

Looking after your LiPo batteries

Also you should make sure to check out our battery care guide to ensure your battery will be used safely and last a long time.

Lipo Battery Size Chart: Dimensions, Parameters and Weight

Are you looking for lipo battery size chart? You come to the right place here, below are a general chart of cell and lipo battery pack, include capacity, dimensions, Voltages, discharge rate, weight, width, height, height, Configuration etc.

Table of Contents

  • Standard LiPo Battery Size Chart
  • Hight drain LiPo Battery Size Chart
  • Large Capacity LiPo Battery Size Chart
  • Lipo Battery Pack Size Chart

Standard LiPo Battery Size Chart
Dimensions(mm) Weight
Thickness Width Height
150 3.8 20.0 31.5 4.5
250 4.0 20.0 41.5 6.0
250 5.0 19.0 34.5 5.5
300 5.0 22.0 34.5 7.0
400 6.0 22.0 34.5 8.0
400 3.0 34.0 51.5 9.5
400 4.0 30.0 41.5 9.0
450 5.6 24.0 38.5 10.0
450 6.8 21.0 37.5 9.0


Hight drain LiPo Battery Size Chart
Dimensions(mm) Weight
Thickness Width Height
6000 8.0 32.0 191.5 125
7100 9.2 45.0 136.5 138
8000 10.0 45.0 151.5 153
9000 9.5 48.0 151.5 175
10000 9.0 59.0 157.5 200
12600 8.5 70.0 171.5 250
15200 9.7 70.0 171.5 290


Large Capacity LiPo Battery Size Chart
Dimensions(mm) Weight
Thickness Width Height
850 6.0 24.0 65.5 18.0
1000 5.0 35.0 63.5 21.5
2000 7.5 30.0 86.5 42.5
10000 9.7 59.0 157.5 194.0
600 5.0 30.0 49.5 14.0
700 5.5 24.0 65.5 16.0
750 5.0 34.0 51.5 18.0
750 5.5 34.0 83.5 18.0
800 6.0 24.0 65.5 18.5

Lipo Battery Pack Size Chart
Config Discharge
300 7.4 2S1P 25 13.5 51.5 19 20
450 7.4 2S1P 25 11 56 31 28
450 11.1 3S1P 25 15 56 31 45
450 11.1 3S1P 75 22.5 68 17.5 57
450 14.8 4S1P 75 29 68 17.5 67
550 3.7 1S1P 15 26 44 9 15
800 7.4 2S1P 40 15 57 30 50
800 11.1 3S1P 40 23 52 30 72
850 11.1 3S1P 45 22.2 60 30.4 76
850 14.8 4S1P 45 29 60 31 99
900 11.1 3S1P 45 19.5 52 33.5 80
1000 7.4 2S1P 25 14 70 36 70
1000 11.1 3S1P 25 19 72 36 96
1000 22.2 6S1P 75 25.5 113 35 175
1050 11.1 3S1P 45 25 75 20 85
1050 11.1 3S1P 75 19 71 36 98
1050 14.8 4S1P 45 31 75 25 120
1050 14.8 4S1P 75 26 71 36 125
1300 7.4 2S1P 25 17 70 35 88
1300 11.1 3S1P 25 24 70 35 115
1300 11.1 3S1P 25 24 70 35 115
1300 11.1 3S1P 45 22.6 72 36.5 119
1300 11.1 3S1P 75 22.3 72 36 122
1300 11.1 3s1p 75 24.5 72 36 125
1300 14.8 4s1p 45 29.8 72 36.5 154
1300 14.8 4S1P 75 29.4 72 36 155
1300 14.8 4S1P 75 32 72 36 160
1300 14.8 4S1P 95 32 72 36 172.6
1400 11.1 3S1P 45 18.7 86 35.5 113
1400 11.1 3S1P 50 19.5 85 35 131
1400 22.2 6S1P 75 33 110 35.5 240
1550 7.4 2S1P 25 17 90 30 102
1550 11.1 3S1P 25 24 91 30 142
1550 11.1 3S1P 45 25 72 36.5 128
1550 11.1 3S1P 75 27 72 36 136
1550 11.1 3S1P 75 27.5 72 36 136
1550 14.8 4S1P 25 31.66 92 30.84 173
1550 14.8 4S1P 45 33 72 36.5 178
1550 14.8 4S1P 75 35 72 36 176
1550 14.8 4S1P 75 36 72 36 176
1600 22.2 6S1P 40 37 106 35 297
1800 7.4 2S1P 25 17.3 89.79 30.2 100.06
1800 11.1 3S1P 25 26 93 30 156
1800 11.1 3S1P 25 26 93 30 156
1800 11.1 3S1P 45 20.8 106 35.5 158
1800 11.1 3S1P 75 19.3 105 35 159
1800 11.1 3S1P 75 23 105 35 160
1800 14.8 4S1P 25 33 91 29 190
1800 14.8 4S1P 45 27.4 106 35.5 202
1800 14.8 4S1P 75 25.4 105 35 202
1800 14.8 4S1P 75 30 105 35 207
2200 7.4 2S1P 25 18.53 106 34 135.6
2200 7.4 2S1P 25 21 84 32 134
2200 7.4 2S1P 50 20 87.2 34 130
2200 11.1 3S1P 25 26 107 34 190
2200 11.1 3S1P 30 25 116 35 199
2200 11.1 3S1P 45 26 107 34 207
2200 11.1 3S1P 60 25 106 34 205
2200 14.8 4S1P 25 33.78 106 34 249
2300 11.1 3S1P 45 23.2 106 35.5 179
2300 14.8 4S1P 45 30.6 106 35.5 224
2600 11.1 3S1P 25 27 115 34 228
2600 11.1 3S1P 45 23 125 38 239
2700 11.1 3S1P 25 26 106 33 194
3300 11.1 3S1P 25 23 136 42 283
3300 11.1 3S1P 25 23 133 42 284
3300 14.8 4S1P 25 31 136 42 366
3300 14.8 4S1P 35 31 136 42 378
3300 22.2 6S1P 60 43.13 138.23 40.89 506
3500 7.4 2S1P 60 18.8 92.8 46.5 149
3500 7.4 2S1P RX 16 97 45 142
3700 14.8 4S1P 45 29 136 43.5 361
3800 11.1 3S1P 25 28 136 42 336
3800 14.8 4S1P 25 36 136 43 418
4000 7.4 2S1P 25 22 139 48 240
4000 7.4 2S1P TX 20 72 52 147
4000 11.1 3S1P 25 27 136 42 333
4000 11.1 3S1P 25 25 136 42 328
4000 14.8 4S1P 25 34 137 42 422
4000 22.2 6S1P 60 52 138 42 706
4200 7.4 2S2P 60 25 95 46 228
4400 14.8 4S1P 25 32 147 50 497
4500 22.2 6S1P 25 50 137 42 670
4600 7.4 2S2P 60 25mm 95mm 46.5mm 224
4800 7.4 2S3P 25 25 69 47 280
5000 7.4 2S1P 25 23 132 42 282
5000 7.4 2S1P 50 25 139 47 304
5000 7.4 2S1P 50 24 138 47 294
5000 7.4 2S1P 50 21.3 136.5 43.3 266
5000 11.1 3S1P 25 26 151 46 399
5000 11.1 3S1P 45 23 154 46 373
5000 11.1 3S1P 50 24 155.3 46.3 380
5000 14.8 4S1P 45 30 154 46 480
5000 14.8 4S1P 50 50 138 46 571
5000 18.5 5S1P 45 38 153 46 600
5000 22.2 6S1P 45 44 155 46 716
5000 22.2 6S1P 45 44 155 46 716
5000 22.2 6S1P 60 47.3 164.5 45.3 744
5100 7.4 2S3P 35 25 70 47 317
5100 11.1 3S1P 10 26 137 42 334
5300 7.4 2S1P 65 26 139 47 326
5300 11.1 3S1P 30 32 137 42 408
5300 11.1 3S1P 35 34.1 138 44 429
5500 11.1 3S1P 45 32 133.5 42 397
5500 14.8 4S1P 45 42 135.5 42 526
5500 18.5 5S1P 45 51.5 135.6 42.3 636
5500 22.2 6S1P 45 61 136 42 769
5500 22.2 6S1P 60 61 136 42 769
5700 7.4 2S3P 50 25 70 47 316
5700 7.4 2S3P 50 25 70 47 316
6000 7.4 2S1P 70 26 138 46 336
6000 7.4 2S1P 70 25.1 138.1 46.32 330.9
6000 22.2 6S1P 35 59 148 45 885
6200 14.8 4S1P 25 41 146 46 585
6200 18.5 5S1P 25 53 146 45 734
6200 22.2 6S1P 25 60 147 46 855
6500 7.4 2S1P 50 26 139 47 330
6600 14.8 4S2P 35 29 136 85 713
6750 14.8 4S1P 25 45 137 42 600
7000 3.7 1S2P 50 19 93 47 147
7000 7.4 2S2P 50 25 138.5 46.5 316
7000 22.2 6S1P 15 55 143 51 914
7000 22.2 6S1P 25 65 138 42 870
7200 7.4 2S1P 70 25 138 47 315
7200 7.4 2S1P 70 26 139 47 345
7200 7.4 2S1P 70 25.07 138.35 46.54 359.3
7200 14.8 4S1P 70 49 138.5 46.5 617
7600 7.4 2S2P 50 29 153 47 391
8000 14.8 4S1P 15 41 161 47 650
8000 22.2 6S1P 15 59 161 47 942
8000 22.2 6S1P 25 51 168 65 1160
9000 22.2 6S1P 25 37 208 73 1173
10000 14.8 4S1P 25 39 169 65 940
10000 22.2 6S1P 20 47 185 70 1319
10000 22.2 6S1P 25 59 165 64 1400
10000 22.2 6S1P 25 63 186 70 1517
10000 22.2 6S1P 25 63 180 70 1517
12000 22.2 6S1P 15 61 184 71 1620
12000 22.2 6S1P 15 61 202 76 1670
12000 22.2 6S1P 15 61 202 76 1670
12000 22.2 6S1P 15 61 184 71 1620
12000 22.2 6S1P 15 61 184 71 1620
16000 14.8 4S1P 15 44 180 74 1241
16000 22.2 6S1P 15 65 180 74 1932
16000 22.2 6S1P 15 70 202 88 2063
16000 22.2 6S1P 15 65 180 74 1932
22000 14.8 4S1P 25 43 204 90 1711
22000 22.2 6S1P 25 64 200 91 2490
22000 22.2 6S1P 25 69 213 96 2650
26000 22.2 6S1P 25 67 203 122 3185
28000 22.2 6S1P 25 67 205 121 3413
30000 22.2 6S1P 25 66 205 131 3673

Above are only small part of our all lipo battery cell and pack sizes.

source from: https://blog.ampow.com/lipo-battery-size-chart/

Tattu 1550 4s 95C review

Today we have the latest 4s offering from Tattu’s R-Line series of high performance fpv racer batteries.
Tattu R-Line 1550mah 4S 95CI’m already a huge fan of Tattu batteries for my daily drivers for a few reasons but mainly because they are quality that I can count on. What is written on the label is what you get and they can take more abuse than a ginger step-child with-out getting all puffy and dangerous.

Are quality high c-rated lipo’s really that important?
Hell yes they are, whether you are flying competitively or just for sport there is huge difference and while I am Not a battery nerd with a detailed breakdown… I can confidently tell you that you will feel every bit of power when its delivered that much faster. Check out this article on what’s in a C rating to understand exactly it means.
These R-Line go Hard!
After 3 days with my Furibee X215 I’m not going back, not to a regular non R-line tattu or anything else! These R-line go hard and not just with a massive punch right outta the gate. You get the full rip almost until the end of the battery, no joke 3-4 minutes in they still feel fresh off the charger. At the end of each run, my temps are noticeably lower as I’m just not stressing the battery further than its limits halfway into a fight to keep up my flow.
Would I recommend the Tattu R-Line 1550mah 4S 95C?
While more expensive than your average performance lipo, the solid c rating of the Tattu R-Line 1550mah 4S 95C is well worth the extra cash. These batteries have that punch you are looking for from a brand that we trust.
Tattu just 28%off now, buyhere.

Turnigy graphene review: can increase flight time?

Why so many people looking forward to it and is Turnigy graphene lipo battery really can increase flight time for quadcopter? Today, I make a article about Turnigy graphene review for helping you to know what's the graphene battery and its performance.


What is the graphene lipo battery?

Graphene batteries is Newly developed a kind of new energy battery, which the use of lithium ion in graphene quickly a large number of shuttle between the surface and the electrode movement features.

There are at less 3 advantages of the graphene lipo battery as below:

  • High capacity energy storage
  • Shorten charging times
  • Longer cycle
  • Less weight
  • More cheaper

Turnigy graphene review 1300mah

 Turnigy graphene review

As above image you see, Typically I see the end temperature around 130F to 140F. Again, the Turnigy graphene pack performed much better than a standard LiPo. After more than 80% discharge at 27A it was barely warm at 108.5F! 


Can turnigy graphene increase flight time for quadcopter? Yes, but not exactly. In fact, according to our survey, graphene material just assisted as additives to increase the performance of lipo battery. So far, they are all more or less good for increasing the performance.

Gradually along with the mass production and large size problem, the industrialization application of graphene is speeding up, based on the existing research results, the commercial application of the first field would be on a mobile device, aerospace, new energy battery and drone field.

Now, there are many brands of graphene battery in the market such as Turnigy, Arris, Grazepony etc. Which one would you like to purchase? Please leave your messages on here, if you have any questions about the graphene battery.

Fisheye lens for UAV

How to make your UAV have wider FOV? You should make a change of your lens of your UAV. 
I ever purchased some kinds of fisheye lens to replace the original onein our UAV, but the result is not satisfactory, the FOV isn't wide enough for me, and I found the image is blur, especially the edge. 
Last month, I purchased a 1.05mm fisheye lens  SA-010528FEB  from Fuzhou Siaon Optoelectronic Technology Co., Ltd.
The lens is very goods, with 245°x245°x245° FOV, 10MP resolution, 1/2.3" format.
I try it in my UAV. the image is better than before. If you want to make a change of your lens in UAV, you could make a try of the fisheye lens from Fuzhou Siaon.

HK 450 GT beginner setup

Hey all

You´d like to join the huge rc heli community but don´t know how to start and what equipment you need? I hope to help you doing first steps on my own experience.

Forget all coaxial helicopters! Start with the 450 size one :) If you´ve got a lot of unneeded dollars you can buy a T-Rex and then (after crash) always expensive genuine parts… But I wouldnt…

My first idea was to buy a second hand heli… Forget it! It will be just trouble with it! A helicopter is a quite expendable toy and you will surely need to replace most parts of used one! For a beginner is a HK450 heli actually a very attractive choice. Replacement parts are cheep, T-Rex parts feet also if one wants to exchange something to get more precisious helicopter reaction. Now here is the best beginner setup! I crashed my first heli seveal times and no one servo was damaged for example!

Just order everything by Hobbyking (all links are to international warehouse but you can choose your favorite wh on hk webstore. Dont forget, for different warehouses you have to place different orders!):

All this parts you need to get your heli taken off. Of course you need a transmitter and a receiver, too. I use e.g. Hitech Aurora 9 with Optima 6 (or 7, or 9)

A little bit replacement parts statistics after some crashes could be helpfull for you:

Main shaft 4
Feathering shaft 4
Bearing 5x11x5 5
Stabilizer bar 5
Bearing 4x8x3 2
Bearing 4x7x2,5 2
Skid pipe 2
Linkage rod eye 3
Vertical tail fin 1
Main gear 1
Screw M2x12 3
Tail boom 3
Horizontalfin band 1
Landing skid 1
Landeschlitten 2
Main blade (pairs) 6
Tail support rod 1
Chassis 1

So it is recommended you buy some more replacement parts to get uninterrupted flying fun!

Mounting instructions of this helicopter you will surely find on youtube.

Hope this setup will be helpfull for you! Enjoy it!


Joe Nall Super Deal – Save up to USD $100 on AGM Hobby

Save big on AGM hobby’s Joe Nall super deal. This is an amazing opportunity to find small RC gas engine and model airplanes with 30cc at unbelievable prices.

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AGM Hobby Joe Nall Special Offers

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It’s almost unbelievable to find AGM 30cc and 30cc aircraft on sale at such a low price, since AGM 30cc gasoline engine is selling for $179.99 and the EXTRA300LP 30CC V3 for $389.00 at agmhobby.com, but now, if you choose the option one showed as above, you can get the two items with $79.00 off. All 30cc aircrafts displayed in this online store are available for you to choose from.

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Website: www.agmhobby.com

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