HobbyKing stock status information is hidden now

HobbyKing had detailed information about stock status available for a long time. For example how many items are available or how many are sold if there are zero in stock. It could give you an idea how big the line up was.

Unfortunately two persons (first & second) decided to show off their knowledge  on Twitter and disclosed this information to the public.  As a result HobbyKing is hiding this information and the numbers that are available aren't precise enough. For example: less than 50 in stock or up to minus 20.

We are currently working on the solution. 

Freebies from HobbyKing!

Today we created a new group on RCSearch named «Free Item». This list will consist gifts from HobbyKing.

You will be able to see active gift, its regular price, required conditions, when this promo ends and the history of previous promotions. This will give you an idea about how often and for how long these promos are running.

You can also subscribe for notifications via e-mail or text messages about new promotions. After you activate notification option you won't miss the shot.

Your feedback is really appreciated.

The weight of additional packaging must be considered

While shopping for propellers or carbon tubes, rods etc. I observed additional packaging in my shopping cart for example (BOX-379g — Extra Length Cardboard Box and Packing). As per HobbyKing this package is added to guarantee you will receive your parcel with no damage. So while the item that requires additional package is in your shopping cart the package will remain in the cart too.

The only one thing I don't like is that additional packaging has additional weight. As a result the price for delivery will be automatically increased.
On the RCSearch merchandise description has also information about additional mandatory packaging if applicable and the total weight of the item including this additional packaging. Here you can see an example.

Please be aware that search result by the weight of the product will not consider the weight of the additional packaging. The purpose of this is that you might already have one "Extra Length Cardboard Box and Packing" in your shopping cart and just looking to fill the rest of the space with additional items. All the information about the packaging will be displayed beside the item and you make the final decision.

Please share all your concerns and suggestions. 

Charts of the stocklevel

When you buy something from the backorder I bet you want to know how often it gets to the warehouse.

Now RCSearch can show you the chart of the stock status for each item. This option will help you to make a decision are you ready to wait for this product to arrive or not, especially if this item show up once a year.

To access this information you can click on the icon beside the quantity this will open a separate web page where you can zoom and select different time frames.

Do you thing this information is something you will be using on a regular basis?

If you have ideas about improvement of this option please leave your feedback. 

Issues with combo-prices

Today we experienced some issues with combo-prices.

These issues are related to the recent changes made by HobbyKing. This option doesn’t work as it used to work before on the HobbyKing website also. Now after you add combo item to your shopping cart the price will remain regular until you add related item to you shopping cart.

So now the system is checking your shopping cart and recalculates prices based on the content and if items are considered combo-items you will receive a discount.

As a result we adjusted our combo-price system on the RCSearch.info.

Combo prices are back! Partially.

After HobbyKing changed whole procedure of handling combo-price, we were partially able to restore this option on our website.

If the combo-price is available for an item the matching icon will be displayed beside the buddy-price and it looks like a magnifying glass.

Once you click on this icon the list of items will be shown. This list contains products that initial item is attached to as a combo-price item.

In order to get this combo-price you must have one of the items from the combo-price list in your shopping cart.

As an example for TURNIGY Plush 18amp Speed Controller combo-price list contains only one product but some products can have long combo-price lists.

Let me summarize, if you want to get combo-price for an item you are browsing, you must add at least one product from the combo-price items list to your shopping cart.

Please provide you feedback about this option and if you have ideas how to improve it please speak up.