Turnigy™ MG959 V2 Alloy DG/MG Servo 30kg / 0.15sec / 78g


138 g
The Mad Max of servos.
Milled from a single block of 6061 alloy*, this servo screams "crazy tough"!
The milled alloy MG959 V2 carries as much attitude as it does torque and robustness.
Why did we bother making a CNC milled 6061 alloy servo and then charge this crazy low price for it?...
Beause we can!
No amount of R/C truck bashing or plane crashes will distort this servo's case.
It includes accessories and has dual ball bearings and metal gearing.
TGY-MG959 V2 spec.
Control system: +pulse width control 1520usec neutral
Required pulse: 3-5V peak to peak square wave
Operating voltage: 4.8v~6v
Operating temperature range: -20~+60C
Operating speed (4.8v): 0.17sec / 60 degree at no load
Operating speed (6.0v): 0.15sec / 60 degree at no load
Stall torque @ 4.8V: 25.0kg.cm
Stall torque @ 6.0V: 30.0kg.cm
Operating angle: 45 deg. one side pulse travelling 400usec
Direction: Counter clockwise/pulse travelling 1520-1900usec
Motor type: Coreless motor
Potentiometer drive: Indirect drive
Bearing type: Dual ball bearing
Gear type: All metal gears
Connector wire length: 12in
Dimensions: 40.2 x 20.1 x 36.8mm
Weight: 2.64oz. (78g)
*Not soft extruded alloy that is later finished to look like it was milled from a billet. (common practice by Align & other helicopter, servo and car factories that make "CNC" alloy parts)